Have a safe day, enjoy every moment.
December 25, 2009
October 30, 2008
Anybody out there?
Well, I hope there aren't too many folks who have been holding their breath for another puzzle cache. It seems the ones we launched last have proven too difficult, or folks are more interested in a nice hike in the woods. No problem, Geocaching should be one, if needed, excuses for getting out there. Now that our weather has turned wonderful, lace 'em up and don't forget to GPS mark your parking spot.
I have been thinking long and hard about placing the solution to the unsolved puzzles out there and archiving the caches. If there are folks who come by here and have an opinion, share it with the class and you may see some Lat and Long digits here soon.
War Eagle
Posted by
2:21 PM
January 25, 2008
2007 Geo-Awards
As the Vernal Equinox Approaches we are again making preparation for the handing out of the hardware. And no, the writer’s strike will not have any impact on our Gala.
Please note, the technical staff has informed us that the 1st Annual Geo-Awards are actually this year and not last year. That was the inaugural awards ceremony, and since we are a year past this is the 1st annual. Regardless or irregardless, we are announcing the Vernal Equinox celebration of sneaky hidey things. Join us March 20 at 6:00PM +/- at the Santa Fe Cattle Company in Lovely Leeds. We have a room reserved and the food is mighty tasty. Since this is our own awards presentation the rules and regulations are subject to change and modification without notice. Please remember bribes are accepted and cash is preferred. Each registered cacher (as listed on GC.com) can nominate caches for any and or all categories that were found, hidden, searched for, tried but not found, cussed at, lost, tripped over, downloaded to a GPS or PDA, printed out or in anyway part of their personal caching experience during the year 2007 or before. The categories for this year’s awards are: FAVORITE PARK CACHE FAVORITE MULTI or SERIES FAVORITE PUZZLE LAMEST CACHE BEST CACHE LOG ENTRY BEST CACHE DESCRIPTION Rambler Achievement Award (This is the previous Phone-A-Friend Award - renamed for the original winner) CACHE OF THE YEAR
Oak Mountain, Rufner Mtn, Turkey, Creek, Moss Creek, etc. Any public park with more trees than asphalt.
Self explanatory.
Does not have to be one that you, or anybody else has solved.
(awe you love me, you really love me)
One that was slightly less impressive than a mayonnaise sandwich on white bread.
Not sure anyone can beat Warren, but give it a try.
Something the Bard himself would be prod of (that be William Shakespeare of Stratford upon Avon fame)
The one cacher on the top of your speed-dial list.
Not just camo duct tape, we need some real clever decoration here.
May or may not be one of the winners above.
This may be all, or we may add a few more. And yes, we will update with nominations once they start pouring in.
Posted by
6:11 AM
December 21, 2007
Exploding more Medical Myths
Article from Reuters
By Peter Griffiths
1. Reading in dim light won't damage your eyes, you don't need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs won't make the hair grow back faster.
These well-worn theories are among seven "medical myths" exposed in a paper published Friday in the British Medical Journal, which traditionally carries light-hearted features in its Christmas edition. Two U.S. researchers took seven common beliefs and searched the archives for evidence to support them.
Despite frequent mentions in the popular press of the need to drink eight glasses of water, they found no scientific basis for the claim.
The complete lack of evidence has been recorded in a study published the American Journal of Psychology, they said.
2. Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight
The majority of eye experts believe it is unlikely to do any permanent damage, but it may make you squint, blink more and have trouble focusing, the researchers said.
3. Shaving makes hair grow back faster or coarser. It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth, studies say. But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness.
4. Eating turkey makes you drowsy
It does contain an amino acid called tryptophan that is involved in sleep and mood control. But turkey has no more of the acid than chicken or minced beef. Eating lots of food and drink at Christmas are probably the real cause of sleepiness.
5. We use only 10 percent of our brains
This myth arose as early as 1907 but imaging shows no area of the brain is silent or completely inactive.
6. Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death
This idea may stem from ghoulish novels. The researchers said the skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails.
7. Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals
Despite widespread concerns, studies have found minimal interference with medical equipment. The research was conducted by Aaron Carroll, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis, and Rachel Vreeman, fellow in children's health services research at Indiana University School of Medicine.
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11:43 AM
December 10, 2007
She asked me why we didn’t call it a Thanksgiving tree and I had to laugh. She’s right of course and that is the foundation of all happy marriages. For the last three years on Christmas eve I would bring the tree inside (carefully selected cut tree that has been soaking in water for at least three days) and set it in the stand. Poof, I am done and sent in the other room. Not even the cats are allowed in there. As I leave I glance at the small boxes that litter the sofa, chair and most of the floor. One hand is on her hip and she is holding a handmade ornament in the other.
A few hours later she emerges and shuts the door behind her with a solid click. “Bedtime”, she announces matter of factly and that’s it. I will have to wait until tomorrow. Now I have been around for quite a few Christmases, but I can’t sleep. I am an eight year old kid again. In her family the Christmas tree was the gift to the family that was only revealed on Christmas day (the first day of Christmas).
As we drive around town I see all the Christmas lights and we have enjoyed taking lots of pictures of the yard decorations to send to her disbelieving friends back home. I catch her catching me looking at the trees inside the houses and she gets this small little smile on her face. It’s fantastic. Photographs cant’ capture the magical quality of Christmas lights much less the special magic of her Christmas trees. At this time of year my camera is pointed at the folks down the street with the 27mega watt display with coordinated music and animated reindeer. Our Christmas trees are to be enjoyed in person.
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6:23 AM
November 24, 2007
Seven essentials for better photography
These tips are equally important for digital and film photography. You remember film don’t you? Those thin strips of plastic (celluloid) impregnated with chemicals that you had to take to the drug store to have developed. Never mind, these tips are universal. The last tip is the best, easiest and most often underused. There is an old and very true saying in photography, “It’s not the subject, it’s the shooter.” Great photographs require technique and talent. Master the first and allow the second to emerge.
1. Tip one is a combination of Read first (the owner’s manual) so you won’t have to ask questions later and Know your camera and all of its controls. These two important steps are really the same and that it can’t be stressed enough. How can you get that one magical shot when it comes by if you are fiddling with the controls and poof, just like that its gone? This does not eliminate or reduce the importance of the photographer. But those who make a living at this know their cameras inside and out.
2. Master the use of the Flash. When and how to use the flash comes from practice and experimentation. (See tip seven below). When considering the flash take the shot both with and without. Film – sorry digital media – is cheap, so use it. Indoors the flash can be a life saver, but don’t forget to try it outdoors as well; it can fill a subject and add some punch to overcast or dark exterior shots.
3. Steady! You may think you have rock solid nerves of steel, and you may but when it comes to long shots with your camera use a mono-pod or a tripod. Most cameras have guideline in the view finder so take advantage of those as well. If you are caught without proper equipment improvise. Use what’s around you – a tree, the hood of your car or anything you can brace against to help stabilize.
4. Avoid the Sun – no I am not talking about skin cancer. Try and have the sun on your subject or at least not within your field of view. Of course if you are shooting beautiful sunsets off the coast of Capri you won’t need this tip, heck you won’t need this blog.
5. What you looking at? Seriously, this is important. It’s the key difference between ordinary snapshots and photographs. The point of view, field of view, perspective, organizing angles all come into play when you push past the basic point and shot and start to capture images. It even sounds "capturing images" ahhh better than taking pictures.
6. Don’t be afraid of the little Mouse. Learning to use graphic software for image correction and manipulation is as important as many of the tips above. You can’t make a great photograph from a below-average one, but you can take a good photograph and make it really pop. The simple packages have automated many of the most common tasks and the more you learn the better control you will have.
7. Your piano teacher was right. Practice. Practice. Prac… Oh heck if you don’t get it now, a third time won’t make any difference. Great equipment and good technique will prepare you to succeed when the opportunity present itself. Give yourself the chance. All of the pros I know will agree and there is not out there that doesn’t practice every chance they get. What does Tiger Woods do when if finishes a round of golf in a tournament? He goes right back to the range and practices. Tiger Woods. That’s probably the reason he could beat me with a rake and a baseball bat when I have the finest clubs money can buy.
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10:57 PM
Labels: cameras, computers, photography, Software, tripods 0 comments